20 December 2014

getting fit

Both school and my exams have now finished until January, which leaves me with a couple of weeks to do not very much. The friend I normally meet up with is heading home to Japan to see family over Christmas, which means that I may have to settle for other friends!

But I'm so excited about Christmas, you know? This past month has seen my head stuck in a revision book in every free minute of the day, so to be able to finally look up and realise that Christmas is less than a week away is pretty exciting!

All of this studying means that I've missed out on most of the festive cheer this year, but I'm determined to make up for that in these upcoming few days.

Usually, during school holidays, I don't do a lot at all. Dance classes take a break, school pretty obviously takes and break, and that only leaves chores. But other than that, there's pretty much nothing to do. Sure, I'll have to revise quite a bit and finish some coursework, but the Internet can often prove to be quite a pain.

But I'd like to use these next couple of weeks as an opportunity to start working out more, seeing as I'll have plenty of time to kill. Today I started the Blogilates Decemburn calender, but I only have time for 2 of 5 of the workout videos because I also had dance class. I'm so glad I did it though, because my core and arms were sore for so long.

Another great thing is that I've managed to rope my brother into joining me in working out! I think be might just be starting to think about fitness, as he does some of his own accord anyway without a club, which is great. Workout buddy!

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